연구소 소식


[기타] 항공우주신기술연구소 논문 실적 사사(ACKNOWLEDGMENTS) 표기 안내

2018-11-21l 조회수 3133

안녕하세요. 항공우주신기술연구소입니다.

저희 연구소의 논문 실적이 되기 위한 충족 조건을 안내드립니다.

- 저자의 소속기관에 항공우주신기술연구소(the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology) 표기

- 사사(acknowledgement)에 항공우주신기술연구소(the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology)를 경유한 연구비에 의해 연구가 수행되었음을 명시

- 항공우주신기술연구소에서 관리하는 연구과제에 대한 연구비번호(RND과제번호)가 명기된 논문

아울러 논문 사사(ACKNOWLEDGMENTS) 표기 예를 아래와 같이 안내드리오니 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

- This work was supported by the advanced Research Center Program(NRF-xxxxxx) through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korean Government(MSIP) contracted through the the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology at Seoul National University.

- This work has been supported by the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology, SNU.

- This research has been supported by the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology, SNU.

- This research was supported (in part) by the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology at Seoul National University.

- This research was supported by NRF grant 2015xxxxxx, contracted through the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology at Seoul National University.

- This research was supported by NRF grant 2015xxxxxx, administered via the Institute of Advanced Aerospace Technology at Seoul National University.

궁금하신 사항 있으시면 언제든지 연락부탁드립니다.
02-880-8980~1, 9169 / iaat@snu.ac.kr
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